The Bibblewindi Gas Exploration Pilot Expansion Project was granted consent under Part 4 of the EP&A Act in July 2014. The project involves drilling two new wells (Bibblewindi 31 and 32) on existing well pads within the existing Bibblewindi Multi-Lateral Pilot, and operating the expanded pilot for three years. Expansion works on the pilot are yet to commence. The Department of Planning and Environment approved the surrender of development consent SSD-5934 on 1st August 2023. The activities approved by the consent will be undertaken in accordance with development consent SSD-6456 for the Narrabri Gas Project.

Application documents

Bibblewindi Multi-Lateral Pilot Expansion – Request for DGRs supporting documentation

Director Generals Requirements for Bibblewindi Multi-Lateral Pilot Expansion

Bibblewindi Gas Exploration Pilot Expansion Environmental Impact Statement

Bibblewindi Gas Exploration Pilot Expansion Response to Submissions

Development consent

Bibblewindi Gas Exploration Pilot Expansion development consent

140718 Bibblewindi Gas Approval EIS

Information to be publicly available in accordance with consent conditions

All current statutory approvals

Petroleum Exploration Licence (PEL) 238

Produced Water Management Plan approval

Environment protection licence (EPL) 20350

Bibblewindi Shield Lateral Pilot Wells approval

Bibblewindi Shield Lateral Pilot Wells REF

Bibblewindi Lateral Pilot infrastructure (extension to gas gathering system) approval

Bibblewindi Lateral Pilot infrastructure (extension to gas gathering system) REF

Lateral Pilot Production Pilot A REF

Exempt area consent under s70 Petroleum (Onshore) Act

Lateral Production Pilot A approval

Complaints Register

Register of Complaints received since approval of the expansion was granted in July 2014.

Complaints registered for January 2015 to 15 January 2023 – One

Date Received
Nature of Complaint
Action Taken
26 April 2021
Santos received by email
Narrabri Gas Project, Environment Protection Licence (EPL) 20350 area
Complaint that a copy of the EPL 20350 for which a variation was approved by the Environment Protection Authority on 11 April 2021 was not available on the Narrabri Gas Project website.
Complainant requested matter be recorded as a formal complaint.
Document was uploaded and available on the Narrabri Gas Project website on 5 May 2021.
Complainant and regulator/s were advised matter had been resolved.
Matter recorded in the Complaints Register.