Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project could supply NSW homes, small businesses, major industries and electricity generators with up to half the state’s natural gas needs and bring substantial economic benefits to Narrabri and the region.
The gas from the project will be made available to the NSW market via a pipeline. Santos acquired the Hunter Gas Pipeline in August 2022. The proposed underground pipeline route passes close to Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project. The goal is to work with infrastructure developers and owners to construct the pipeline and deliver much-needed gas to east coast domestic markets in the shortest timeframe possible. For more information on the pipeline visit
The Environmental Impact Statement for the Narrabri Gas Project was assessed by both the Federal and State Governments, with extensive community consultation throughout the assessment process. Santos is committed to developing the project safely and sustainably.
Operations will be located on around 1,000ha of the 95,000 hectare Project area. The Project area is mostly located on state land in a section of the Pilliga set aside by the NSW Government for uses including logging and extractive industries. The Project area does not include areas of National Park or Nature Reserves. The Project area does not contain land mapped by the Government as Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Land (BSAL) and Santos will only drill wells on the private land within the Project area if the landholder agrees to grant access.
For more detail on the Project:
Click here to view the Environmental Impact Statement for the Narrabri Gas Project
Click below to enlarge the map