Santos aims to create enduring and mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal communities across all of our Australian operations including the Narrabri Gas Project.
The Gomeroi People’s Native Title claim covers the parts of the Pilliga in which we are seeking to work. We respect and acknowledge native title rights and interests in the area, meet regularly with the Gomeroi registered claimants and are working towards an agreement with them.
Santos is working with local and regional Aboriginal communities and organisations including Local Aboriginal Land Councils so that Aboriginal people in the Narrabri area will share in the benefits of the Project, whether that be through employment, training, education or other initiatives.
As part of the EIS for the Project, Santos commissioned a study of all Aboriginal cultural heritage information in the region. This included historical studies, oral histories and consultation with more than 550 Aboriginal knowledge holders. The result was the most comprehensive and accurate Aboriginal data set in the region which we have handed over to the Narrabri Local Aboriginal Land Council to hold and manage.
Through the study process, 90 sites of cultural significance were identified in the Project area. Santos has committed to avoid these sites and undertake further surveys before any new work takes place.
A Cultural Heritage Management Plan has also been developed for the EIS so impacts are avoided and mitigated as the Project is developed.