Click any of the links below to access documents.

  1. Meeting Summary  November 2016
  2. Santos Monthly Activity Update  November 2016
  3. Communique #15  May 2016
  4. Narrabri CCC  EPA Newsletter  October 2016
  5. GISERA website
  6. GISERA research outputs, updates and fact sheets are available from
  7. Information on the GISERA governance structure can be found at
  8. November 2016 presentation to CCC from GISERA
  9. EPA presentation in relation to Tintsfield Water Management Facility
  10. A copy of the investigation report Santos Narrabri Tintsfield Water Management Facility: Groundwater Monitoring is available from
  11. A copy of the final Community Consultative Committee Guidelines – State Significant Projectsis available from
  12. Final Narrabri CCC EPA Newsletter November 2016 will be available from
  13. The issues paper and further information on making a submission to the Load-Based Licensing (LBL) Review are available on the EPA website at
  14. A copy of the letter inviting submissions for the LBL Review is attached and is available from here
  15. The response to an information request regarding the Tintsfield Pond is available here
  16. The response to an information request regarding the Leewood Pivot irrigation system is available here
  17. The Narrabri Shire Council website has a link to Narrabri Gas Project CCC information at