Complaints Register

Register of Complaints received from commencement of Narrabri Gas Project SSD 6456 in February 2023

Complaints registered for period September 2020 to 15 June 2024 is 3

Date Received
Nature of Complaint
Action Taken
26 April 2021
Santos received by email
Narrabri Gas Project, Environment Protection Licence (EPL) 20350 area
Complaint that a copy of the EPL 20350 for which a variation was approved by the Environment Protection Authority on 11 April 2021 was not available on the Narrabri Gas Project website.
Complainant requested matter be recorded as a formal complaint.
Document was uploaded and available on the Narrabri Gas Project website on 5 May 2021.
Complainant and regulator/s were advised matter had been resolved.
Matter recorded in the Complaints Register.
13 December 2023
Email via the Community Consultative Committee (CCC)
Narrabri Gas Project, PEL 238
Complaint received in relation to the accuracy of the CCC meeting attendance records included in the 2022 Annual Community Consultation Report for PEL 238 and the appropriateness of redacting the author’s name from the report.
Meeting attendance discrepancies were acknowledged, amended within the report and resubmitted to the Department of Regional NSW. The author’s name will remain redacted in accordance with privacy protocol. The outcome of the investigation undertaken by the NSW Resources Regulator concluded that Santos had not contravened section 125D or condition 2 of the Act. No further action required.
13 December 2023
Email via the Community Consultative Committee (CCC)
Narrabri Gas Project, PEL 1
Complaint received in relation to the accuracy of the CCC meeting attendance records included in the 2023 Annual Community Consultation Report for PEL 1 and the appropriateness of redacting the author’s name from the report.
Meeting attendance discrepancies were acknowledged, amended within the report and resubmitted to the Department of Regional NSW.  The author’s name will remain redacted in accordance with privacy protocol.  The outcome of the investigation undertaken by the NSW Resources Regulator concluded that Santos had not contravened section 125D or condition 2 of the Act.  No further action required.

Incidents and Non-Compliances

Incidents and Non-Compliances registered from February 2023 – Nil