The Project

  • What is the Narrabri Gas Project?

    Santos is seeking government approval to develop natural gas reserves in the Narrabri area in north west New South Wales.

    Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project could supply New South Wales homes, small businesses, major industries and electricity generators with up to half the state’s natural gas needs and bring substantial economic benefits to Narrabri and the region. The gas from the Project will be supplied to the NSW market via a dedicated pipeline.

  • How many gas wells will be needed?

    We are seeking approval from the Government for 850 wells to be located over 425 well-pad sites. These will be developed during the 20-25 year life of the Project.

  • Where will the gas wells will be located?

    The wells will be located within the Project area which covers 95,000 hectares in and around the Pilliga.

    We anticipate operations on less than one percent of that area. The majority of wells will be in State Forest, in an area designated by the Government for logging, extractive industries (like natural gas extraction) and other commercial activities. The remainder will be on private land subject to agreement with the landholders. We already have some agreements in place with landholders in close proximity to the Pilliga.

    Explore further: Map of the Narrabri Gas Project area

  • How will the natural gas get from the Pilliga to the rest of NSW?

    A pipeline will be constructed from our Narrabri operations to connect into the Moomba-Sydney pipeline which carries natural gas from the gasfields in South Australia into NSW, and then on to Sydney.

    The exact pipeline route has not yet been finalised.

  • How will the north-west region benefit from the Narrabri Gas Project?

    We want the regional communities who host our activities to benefit from working with us.  So, as well as benefits such as local jobs, business opportunities and land use payments to landholders, Santos will establish a Regional Community Benefit Fund when the Project reaches production. We estimate the Fund will provide up to $120 million over the life of the Project to fund projects, programs and infrastructure in the Narrabri region.

  • What employment opportunities will be associated with the Narrabri Gas Project?

    We expect there will be around 1300 jobs during construction and up to 200 ongoing positions. There will also be jobs created with local contractors and suppliers working on the Project as well as indirect jobs in various sectors that provide local services and cater for workers and their families.

  • Will you be using local suppliers and contractors?

    We want to ensure local firms are given every opportunity to be involved with our work. Santos already uses local contractors and suppliers whenever possible and this practice will continue if the project goes ahead. We work with local suppliers and contractors to assist them to put in place appropriate systems, policies and processes so they are compliant with our Contractor and Supplier Management Standards.

    Find out more: Business Opportunities

  • What are the benefits to NSW?

    As well as providing a much-needed source of natural gas, the Narrabri Gas Project is expected to contribute around $1.2 billion in royalty payments to the NSW Government to help deliver hospitals, schools, roads, police services, and other state-based infrastructure and public services.