On 30 September 2020, the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) approved the Narrabri Gas with the Commission concluding that the Project is in the public interest and that any negative impacts can be effectively mitigated with strict conditions. A condition of the IPC consent for the Narrabri Gas Project is the establishment and operation of a Community Consultative Committee in accordance with the Department’s Community Consultative Committee Guidelines: State Significant Projects. The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has appointed Mr Garry West to the position of Independent Chair of the committee. A copy of the Department’s approval of Community Consultative Committee members is available here: 2021 | 2022

The purpose of a Community Consultative Committee is to provide a forum for discussion between a proponent and representatives of the community, stakeholder groups and the local council on issues directly relating to a specific State significant project.

A Community Consultative Committee is not a decision-making or regulatory body: it performs an advisory and consultative role. Government agencies will remain responsible for ensuring proponents comply with any statutory obligations.

Further information on the purpose and conduct of a Community Consultative Committee is available from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment website click here

Minutes and presentations from Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee meetings will be made available when finalised.

Meeting #1: February 2021
Meeting #2: May 2021
Meeting #3: October 2021
Meeting #4: February 2022
Meeting #5: May 2022
Meeting #6: September 2022
Meeting #7: November 2022
Meeting #8: February 2023
Meeting #9: May 2023
Meeting #10: September 2023
Meeting #11: December 2023
Meeting #12: March 2024
Meeting #13: June 2024

To view an archive of documents from meetings of the previous Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee that met in the period from December 2014 to December 2020 click here.

To view an archive of documents from meetings of the Santos Narrabri Gas Project CCC that met in the period from August 2012 to October 2014 click here.  To view an archive of documents from meetings of the Upper Hunter CCC that met in the period from November 2011 to July 2013 click here